Detox Retreat Program at Dr. Kumar's Lifestyle

Detox retreat program endeavors to get rid of the waste products, pollutants, and toxins from the body caused by poor diet, medication, stress, and fatigue.

Benefits of Detox retreat program in Delhi

Detox retreat programs in Delhi have become popular. There are several detox programs one can choose from ranging from fasts to juice cleansers. A detox retreat program advises clients on healthier lifestyle choices.

There are many advantages of a detox retreat program:-
  • More Energy–A renewed sense of energy is the most popular benefit cited by clients. A detox program eliminates your body of toxins and waste. The energy saved from processing these toxins helps them feel rejuvenated. 
  • Radiant Appearance - The diet consumed during a detox program is high in nutrients and essential minerals. Eating well and eliminating unhealthy food helps a client look radiant. The retreat inspires people to continue with the regime at home.Boost immunity- A detox program can give the immune system a boost. The programs teach benefits of eating healthily, stress management and weight management.
  • Aid weight loss 0 A detox program is a great way to start the weight loss program. The detox program typically has a juice cleanse or fasts. Detox programs can aid weight loss by teaching clients to eat healthier food and exercise. 
A detox retreat program can help break old habits and replace them with newer healthier options.

What happens during a detox retreat program in Delhi?

A detox retreat program involves different levels of fasting. Food restrictions, herbal teas, and juices are part of the program. Complete retreats may include yoga, massages, counseling, enema and or colon irrigation, and other supportive rules. These may vary depending on the program selected and the intensity. Ayurvedic detox retreats are based on the principles of Panchmahabhuta, herbal cures, and spiritual powers.

A detox retreat program in Delhi can vary from three days to 21 days. Programs can include
  • Physical Detox – This includes preventive health management. Detoxification of liver, skin, upper and lower gastric intestinal tract. These retreats can help clients manage chronic ailments like diabetes and hypertension. Programs also treat and manage digestive problems like acidity and constipation. A detox program can help deal with drug and digital addiction.
  • Mental Detox – Detox programs help clients coach about stress and anxiety management. They may offer relationship advice and tips to deal with depression.
  • Spiritual Detox - A detox program can lead to self-realization. The program may help the client with self-control and emotional stability. Some detox programs offer Chakra healing and spiritual sojourn.
Several detox programs claim to a solution for all problems. Finding detox centers around me is difficult. The client can choose a detox program that targets problem areas. A detox center  needs the right environment and people to make sure clients receive complete benefits.
