Yoga benefits For Our health
Do you feel tired right after leaving your bed in the morning, nothing excites you, and you feel like sleeping again for hours? If this is a case, it is the high time to do something to be in better health. And when it comes to becoming fit, nothing is better than yoga. Yoga benefits are many as it revives overall health.
If you think, yoga is tough and time taking for you, you are wrong because it is not what you have perceived it. Yoga is an exercise form that has been designed to attain good health. And it is very easy and doable by all. Here, we are sharing five yoga asanas with you, to start with and feel its potency. Thereafter, if you wish, you can add advanced yoga poses/ asanas or you can continue with these five asanas to have a refreshing morning, and a day full of energy throughout your life.
5 yoga benefits for our health :
1, Surya Namaskar – Start your day with surya namaskar. It is one of the easiest and most effective asanas in Yoga to give an exciting start to a day. Surya Namaskar asana consists of 12 steps, each one focuses on strengthening a specific body part. The 12 steps, also called as poses are, prayer pose, raise arm pose, hand to foot pose, equestrian pose, stick pose, saluting with eight points pose, cobra pose, mountain pose, equestrian pose, hand to foot pose, raised arms pose. Learn surya namaskar from this link
Benefits Of Suryanamakar
- It improves blood circulation
- Help in weight loss
- Eliminate menstrual problems
- Improves hair and skin
- Control anxiety
- Improves creativity and presence of mind
2, Kapalbhati – This is a simple yoga asana, you can do right after getting out of your bed. It is very easy and quick. If you are short of time in the early morning, do it at any hour of the day, it will provide the same yoga benefit.

Steps Of Kapalbhati
- Relax your body and sit in a yogic posture on the yoga mat
- Sit in cross less posture and close your eyes. You can also sit in sukhasna or pasmasana if you feel comfortable to do this asana.
- Make gyan mudra using your thumb and index finger.
- Take a deep breath slowly and steadily, concentrate on breathing while taking the air in through both nostrils.
- Exhale the air with pressure from both nostrils and the inhale will become automatic.
- Once the your are out of breath, relax and start again. Repeat it for 20-40 times, to reap benefits.
Benefits of Kapalbhati
- It oxygenates the whole body
- Energize the mind
- Pump out stale oxygen from the body
- Gives shiny and glowing skin.
Read more : Yoga benefits
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