Holi festival in india
Holi festival in india : Only a counted number of days has been left for Holi. And, just like every year, by now, you must be busy planning the 2020 Holi. Whilst you are busy making plans to make 2020 Holi more vibrating and colourful than last year, we want to pull your attention to last year’s problem you faced post Holi! Damage skin, rough hairs, upset stomach, so that, you don’t repeat the last year’s mistake and have a blissful time.
Here are some tips, you can follow to make your 2020 Holi celebration a delight, both before and after. The tips will help in doing skin care for holi, hair care and stomach care.

Pre and Post Holi Safety Tips
The holi festival in India is known as the festival of colours. There is excitement in the air, cheerful faces, galore of colour, all over. In this fervour of holi, it is next to impossible to stay untouched from beautiful hues. And we all know, what colours are these days. No matter what sellers say about colours, it contains skin sensitive chemicals. These chemicals, coming in contact with our skin, make enormous damage, and if you will face it on bare skin, you can imagine the consequences. Itching, rashes, blisters are some of the common problems that you might face because of the same. So, prepare a defensive mechanism to face this heat by doing the following things, and not let anything come between you and the holi fun. The tips are
- Moisturize the whole body with oil or good moisturizer before the Holi night. Oil or moisturizer will fill the pores on the skin and will act as a protective layer. Mustard oil, the essential oil is the best to apply on the body and face.
- Oil your hair in a way that it gets a thick coating of it. The oil will make a protective cover on hair and will not let hairs absorb colours.
- On the day of Holi, again massage oil on hair and moisturize your whole body
- Wear full sleeves clothes so that you have a minimum uncovered portion on the body.
- Put moisturizer near eyes, elbows, as these are sensitive area and colour does not come out easily from here. Presence of grease will not let colour pigments to settle down in the skin, making it removal easier.
- Trim your nails so that no one gets hurt because of it and also colours pigments do not get settled in it. Colour deposits on nails do not come out easily.
- Tie your hairs properly after applying oil
- If you are celebrating Holi in open, there are chances of skin tanning. To protect skin from tanning, apply sunscreen on face and open skin before going out, this will protect the skin from the Sun.
- India has a custom of preparing many cuisines on the festival, Holi is no different. Special dishes of Holi are malpua and gujiya. If you are on weight loss, don’t eat too much of it. Portion control is important to manage calories.
- And even if you are not on a diet, remember to control yourself and avoid overeating.
- Eat only homemade sweets and foods
Read more : Holi festival in india
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